Every once in a while, you come across a vehicle that's been abandoned. I don't mean left in a barn or in the middle of a desert, although that does happen. In this case, I refer to being abandoned in spirit, bereft of the care and attention it deserves and requires. As a an automotive detailer, it is in your nature to see through the filth and neglect to picture what once was, and what could become tangible once again. Although you strive to revive the pride and beauty that came off the showroom floor, there are always limitations to what can be achieved on this court. Regardless, you power forward (pun intended).
In this specific case of abandonment, we are reminded that some people just don't give a $^*+ about their vehicles. They dive into the second largest investment of their lives with the same attitude a frat-boy initiate dives into a kegger headstand. They are not thinking about tomorrow. And with that attitude comes consequences. There will be a severe lack of points on the board, or in this case, value lost.

Indescribable filth is innately appalling. "What the hell is that???" you think with a shudder. The leftover food (or milkshakes?), trash, and stains tell a story nobody wants to read. Nobody except a car detailing professional ever reads the entire thing. You power through the nausea and stink to uncover the hidden truths about the story's protagonist. Only once the entire chronicle has been read can we banish the grotesque and restore the glory that hides beneath. The buzzer-beater athlete is hiding under that hangover. Somewhere.
It is the restoration of a vehicle that allows it to find a new home despite its' abandonment. In the seemingly mundane task of performing a glorified car wash, you would be remiss to ignore the beauty of what you accomplish. You make the downtrodden and neglected desirable once more. After all, that frat-boy was recruited just a year ago, and his skill still hides beneath his lack of responsibility.

I use the analogy of a fraternity kid because this is not a classic car. This level of dirty isn't accompanied by 50 years of patina and rust, which is arguably desirable. No, there is no charm in a young man throwing himself in the gutter and wallowing in his own stench. In much the same way, this relatively young BMW 530i has no excuse, in the eyes of a prospective buyer, to be this filthy.
As a car detailing professional, I find solace in knowing this level of neglect can be restored to 95% or more condition, 95% of the time. But what bewilders me is how somebody can own a luxury sedan and treat it like a '91 Ford Pinto. I can see what hides beneath, sure, but I guarantee you the majority of the public can't or won't. They will take one look at this thing and outright refuse to buy it. And if they do show interest, you better believe it will be accompanied by an offer 30% below market value. And at that point you've missed your shot, kiddo.

I understand that some of us are simply too busy, too distracted, and too tired to keep up with cleaning our car. We have kids, a job or two, and a plethora of tasks vying for our immediate attention. And still, I can't stress enough how important routine, quick tidings are for your car. 1 minute after every trip. 5 minutes every time you get home. 30 minutes once-a-week. All of these quick cleanings will prevent the dumpster fire you are witnessing here today.
This car was, of course, restored to great interior condition. Luckily, most of the damage wasn't permanent. Still the psychological health of this car will probably never recover. The coach nearly benched him for the rest of the season, but we were able to avoid abject abandonment. The kegger headstand won the first round, but the more experienced professional prevailed at last.
And now that you've slogged through the disgusting car pictures and mediocre story telling, I have no choice but to give you your reward! Keep scrolling to see the after pictures below.
Thanks for reading!
Mirror Lake Mobile Detailing is open for business. If you are a busy parent, professional, or enthusiast who wants a luxuriously clean vehicle, give us a call today. We have several packages and services available for any budget. We provide mobile detailing services in the greater Tulsa, OK area including Bixby, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Claremore, Sand Springs and surrounding areas. We can't wait to restore your ride!
Mirror Lake LLC 2022 - Pease@MirrorLake.us - (918) 994-2494